- Combining :placeholder-shown and :has Yesterday my wife told me about this :placeholder-shown selector. I had visual question marks above my head because I never heard of it before. But it sparked curiosity about what it could give me.
- Interdependencies and code stability updated! As engineers, we have the tendency to over-engineer our solutions, make our code as reusable as possible. We make our code DRY. But in this quest, we often create unstable code.
- I was wrong about service workers I was wrong about service workers. I wrongly assumed certain use cases for them. But I was missing out on them.
- Going back to CSS-only after years of SCSS When migrating my website to Eleventy, it ditched SCSS and went old school. I went removed a complexity layer to see if CSS-only is a viable option these days.
- Old man yelling at a cloud Front-end development really became a pop culture around big company frameworks. It has become an investor-focused industry.
- Engineering, UX design and the value stream updated! Understanding how to make better technology, framework, and library decisions in front-end development